Emma Vanderkooy

Private Academy Teacher

MEd Special Education with an emphasis in Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA) , BCBA

Languages: English

Areas of Interest: Autism Spectrum Disorder, Early childhood education, AAC, non-verbal,

Additional Trainings:

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Hi there, my name is Emma Vanderkooy, I am one of the kindergarten academy teachers here at IMCDC.

I began working with children ages 1-12 back in January 2022 in early childhood education settings which then lead me to discover my passion for working with children with ASD. I also have a family member with ASD that has inspired me to work in this field as I have seen first hand what a difference inclusive environments can make.

I am currently studying for my Early Childhood Education diploma at Fanshawe college, with plans to complete the ABS graduate program, as well as becoming a certified CDA.

I am thrilled to be working alongside such educated individuals, with the same goals and passion for children with ASD. When Iā€™m not focusing my time on my own personal learning, I enjoy spending time with my partner of 7 years and our pets!