Hello & Welcome to Inclusive Milestones Child Development Centres (IMCDC)

The who, what and why of IMCDC blog… 

Welcome to our first blog post! We are so excited to be even writing this right now. Inclusive Milestones was a pipe dream for many many years and it is so exciting that we are finally here and YOU are here too! So a big WELCOME!! Inclusive Milestones is something we are so passionate about, but you will get to hear about that  later on in future blogs. This being our first blog, we wanted to spend some time letting you know what you can expect here and a little bit about who we are! 

A little bit about us… 

From a very young age I always enjoyed working with children. I grew up with a mom who worked as a Special Education Teacher so some might say it was ingrained in me from a young age to work with kids - but we will leave the Nature vs. Nurture debate for another day haha.

The idea of creating a centre for children and their families to come, feel welcome and supported was always a thought in the back of my mind. My big “one day” dream was always just that…a dream. Despite it feeling farfetched, it has always been my desire for my future to include helping neuro-divergent kids reach their full potential by achieving their individual milestones. Fast forward to 2021.  With an incredible team behind me that supports and believes in the centre as much as they do, Inclusive Milestones was created and made a REALITY.  (Someone please pinch me because it still doesn't feel real some days lol). It really would not have been possible without each and every one of them. So thank you - you know who you are!

What this blog is all about… 

For our first blog, we wanted to give you an idea of what to expect here. And honestly, it will be a little bit of everything. Topics ranging from various tips & tricks, advocacy, our programs, different diagnoses, hot topics along with daily thoughts and how we choose JOY at Inclusive Milestones. Our goal for this blog is for all of our readers, whether your child attends IMCDC or you are just popping by for some reading material, is that you find yourself inspired, with some useful advice and relatable and helpful information. We like to write like we are talking to our friends - honest and to the point.


Finally, thank you for being here and reading this! We are so grateful for our entire IMCDC community and to have you along for this journey. We really hope you feel like you BELONG here with us.


Please let us know of any ideas you would like to see on the blog. And be sure to join our email distribution list so you can be the first to read our exciting new posts!

Thanks again IMCDC Family!




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